प्रस्तावित अमेरिकी राजदूतको अभिव्यक्तिप्रति चिनियाँ दूतावासको आपत्ति

काठमाडौँ । नेपालका लागि अमेरिकी प्रस्तावित राजदूत डिन थम्प्सनले संसदीय सुनुवाइका क्रममा दिएको अभिव्यक्तिप्रति चीनले आपत्ति जनाएको छ । शुक्रबार काठमाडौंस्थित चिनियाँ राजदूतावासले एक विज्ञप्ति जारी गरी मिलेनियम च्यालेन्ज कर्पोरेशन (एमसीसी) सँग जोडेर चीनको भूमिकाप्रति थम्पसनले दिएको अभिव्यक्तिको खण्डन गरेको हो ।

संसदीय सुनुवाइका क्रममा बुधबार थम्प्सनले चीनको दुस्प्रचारका बाबजुद नेपाली संसद्बाट (मिलेनियम च्यालेन्ज कर्पोरेसन(एमसीसी) सम्झौता अनुमोदन भएको बताएका थिए । प्रवक्ता गाओले एमसीसी सम्झौताले नेपालमा व्यापक विवाद उत्पन्न भएको र नेपालको संसदबाट ‘व्याख्यात्मक घोषणा’सहित अनुमोदन भएको पनि बताएकी छिन् ।

उनले भनेकी छन्, ‘अमेरिकी पक्षबाट आएको टिप्पणी पूर्ण रूपमा आधारहीन छ । उनीहरूले चीनको बदनाम गर्ने प्रयास मात्रै गरेका छैनन्, नेपाल र नेपाली जनताको अपमानसमेत गरेका छन् ।’

Remarks by spokesperson of Chinese Embassy on the so-called “China’s disinformation campaign” by the US Ambassador-nominee

Q: According to the Nepali media, Thompson, the United States nominee for ambassador to Nepal, said on Wednesday that Nepal’s parliament ratified the Millennium Challenge Corporation compact in the face of a PRC [People’s Republic of China] disinformation campaign. What’s your comment on this?

A: We have noted Mr. Thompson’s remarks. It is well known that Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact between Nepal and the United States has sparked heated debates in Nepal. The Nepali Parliament specially passed an “interpretive declaration”, which declares that the Constitution of Nepal shall prevail over the Compact and other associated agreements and that being a party to the Compact, Nepal shall not be a part of any United States’ strategy, military or security alliance including the Indo-Pacific Strategy. These are legitimate actions of the Nepali government and people to defend their sovereignty and independence and safeguard national interests. The remarks of the US side are totally baseless. They have not only slandered China, but also offended Nepal and its people. It is a true “disinformation”. China firmly rejects it.

It is China’s consistent belief that in pursuing international development cooperation, the principle of mutual respect and equality should be upheld, the sovereignty of the country concerned and the will of its people should be fully respected, and there should be no interference in any country’s domestic affairs, no political strings attached, no coercive diplomacy, and certainly no infringement on other countries’ sovereignty and interests for selfish gains. As Nepal’s friendly close neighbor and development partner, China will continue to support Nepal in safeguarding its sovereignty, independence and national interests and support the Nepali people in choosing independently their own development path and offer support and assistance to Nepal’s socioeconomic development to the best of its capability.